Distance Energy Healing

How does it work?

A distance energy healing session is when a practitioner sends healing energy to a client with the intention to heal and support them in whatever way is best for them at that time. Often the client has a specific healing intention, such as physical or emotional pain that they’ve been struggling with, or sometimes they just need an energetic boost of support to help them get through a difficult phase in life. I’ve even had people request distant healing simply to help support them in relaxation, stress relief, and sleep. There are no parameters when it comes to energy healing. It can be used for anything, at any time, and anywhere.

During a distant healing session, the client and practitioner do not need to be together in the same location. Energy healing energy is transcendental connecting directly with pure consciousness that exists at our deepest level of existence. At this level of connection, time and distance are not a barrier.  We are alive because life force energy is flowing through us and around us. This life force energy can be connected with to assist in healing, happiness, and wellbeing. It is at this level that there is no separation, we are all one. All I need to do to send you healing energy is to intend to do so, and it works!